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Our Work
The WHRD-IC is the only feminist membership-based coalition working transnationally to protect and promote the right of WHRDs, feminists, trans and non-binary defenders to defend rights.
The WHRD-IC sits at the intersections of multiple regions, issues, sectors, and social movements, representing the broad spectrum of organising by, with and for WHRDs, feminists, trans and non-binary defenders. It also bridges the multiple local, national, regional and transnational forms of organising by WHRDs.
WHRD Knowledge Hub
The WHRD Knowledge Hub is the first and only global multilingual archive that includes written knowledge products on the wide spectrum of WHRD issues.
Please contact us if you are a WHRD organisation and want your research materials, guidelines or reports written in any language to be featured here.
Our Members
Our members are respected organisations based in the global South and North, functioning at local, regional and international levels. Currently, the WHRDIC is composed of 31 organisations working tirelessly to defend those defending human rights.