Who we are
The Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition (WHRD-IC) is a transnational, intersectional feminist coalition of women human rights defenders, feminists, trans and non-binary activists and organisations, and their allies.
Since our inception in 2005, we have built a membership primarily of women’s, human rights and sexual rights groups. Currently, we are composed of over 30 organisations from the global South and North. Our members work locally, nationally, regionally and transnationally, on a range of different rights and justice issues, as part of different movements.
As a membership-based coalition, we aim to be led by and for WHRDs, feminists, trans and non-binary defenders in the Global South. Our coalition also includes organisations working in allyship with these defenders.

Vision and Mission
Our vision is for WHRDs, feminists, trans and non-binary activists to fully exercise their agency without fear or violence, and for their organisations and movements to thrive in building a more just, sustainable and equitable world.
Our mission is to deepen and sustain the collective power and resistance of WHRDs, feminists, trans and non-binary defenders, and their collective organising, across the intersections of movements, issues and regions.

Herstory and Impact
Since its inception in 2005, the WHRDIC has made impressive progress directly with Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs), in the broader human rights movement, and at the United Nations level.
We have been instrumental in creating an identity category – Women Human Rights Defender, or WHRD – that activists find legitimising and empowering. We have been at the forefront of giving life to the UN Declaration on human rights defenders; our research and advocacy have changed the landscape of how human rights defenders, and specifically WHRDs, are seen and understood.
Some of the most significant victories achieved by the WHRDIC, in collaboration with HRDs and organisations around the world, are the adoption of the historic 2013 UN General Assembly resolution ‘Protecting Women Human Rights Defenders’ and the commemoration of the International Women Human Rights Defenders Day on 29 November.

Our Members
Our members are respected organisations based in the global South and North, functioning at local, regional and international levels. Currently, the WHRDIC is composed of 31 organisations working tirelessly to defend those defending human rights.
WHRD Movement
WHRDs are women who engage in the defense of human rights, and people of all genders who engage in the defense of women’s rights and rights related to gender and sexuality.
WHRDs face risks some of which are specific to their gender. This adds a layer of nuance and complexity when seen alongside experiences of other defenders. They are much more likely to face sexual violence and abuse; conviction of ‘moral’ crimes; threats and violence against their children; defamation campaigns; and social isolation. WHRDs are targeted for who they are as well as for what they do.

The WHRD-IC Interim governance structure was established in mid-2023 and is composed of an Interim Executive Committee, an Advisory Committee and the Secretariat.

We thank our donors for their generous support.
Our work would not be possible without sustainable funding.